Bloom in summer

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Summer is coming! It’s been raining a lot lately, which is sad for us but good for the flowers! I really love bringing some of these beauties in to the house to lighten up the days.

Lately I’ve been learning more about science at the “Engaging with God’s world” YWAM school I’m doing at YWAM Grimerud, and it’s opening my eyes to the beauty of the nature. It’s so amazing to think how God created brilliant things like DNA in the microscopic parts of even these plants. Every part of creation has unique functions and traits which show us who the Creator is.

Even more amazing is when we think about human beings. You are created so special, and if I studied biology I could tell you a lot more about how your body works with such fine tuning, the capacity of your brain etc… But I can tell you that you are wonderfully made, as beautiful and marvellous as the stars and planets, and as unique as a snowflake… Seek your creator and find out more about the way YOU and no one else, is made, and why. Ask God to tell you what He thought about when He made you! 🙂



Story Time with Make Waves

Maybe we’ve mentioned our involvement in this thing called Make Waves… a “circle” at Youth With A Mission Grimerud. I guess that sounds pretty foreign. Well, it’s taken us at least a year to get it ourselves… at least well enough to explain our circle to others. Haha, well, it’s actually a pretty cool story.


MW logo black


Two years ago, Anders, a leader at Grimerud, had an idea to bring all the youth ministries together, share an office, and just try to be better friends. This was definitely visionary thinking, because, at that time, there was only the four staff with the discipleship school and himself who would under the heading “youth ministry”. He found out from Andreas, another leader that this concept is a “circle”–a new term in YWAM used to try to flatten the leadership and encourage healthier relationships and synergies among all the staff. A few weeks after Anders got this idea, Loren Cunningham (YWAM’s founder) came to Grimerud for some special teaching about the core values of YWAM. One thing he challenged the staff on was to reach out more to our local teens in addition to what we are already doing in other places in Norway and Europe. That same week, Sara Helene and I met in Hamar and we shared our dreams and ideas for working with the local teens and Café UNO. We also met with Anders and Andreas from Grimerud and we realized we were really coming together for a special time of growth and focus on youth ministries at Grimerud.




At the beginning, when I came to Norway, our “circle,” which we started to call “Make Waves,” consisted of 10 people  who shared a heart for teens: one couple who would work with high schoolers, me and Sara Helene, Anders, and 5 DTS staff. In the last two years, our circle has grown into 5 or 6 teams and about 25 staff! This is exactly the heart of YWAM and how it got started in the beginning, and I think it’s Jesus’ heart too! We want to be people that believe that young people are important and valuable, and we are choosing to invest our resources into reaching them any way we can! The name Make Waves actually reminisces back to Loren Cunningham’s vision of “God sending waves of young people to the shores of all nations.” I imagine that it’s these teens that will bring revival to Norway, Europe, and the world. God has big plans and purpose for this time we’re in. It’s so exciting and meaningful to get to be a part of this.



(insta from @ywamgrimerud)


Ok, but for real. This week I’m reminded of our position as believers in Jesus… we’re part of the family now… we’re “blessed to be a blessing.”


Today I was thinking of some career advice for a friend… I think that if we take what we enjoy most and learn how to use that to be a blessing to others, not only will we be satisfied, and others will too, but God will be faithful to provide for whatever we need. Maybe that’s what he meant when Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom and all these things will be added to you.”


God made each of us unique with talents that we can enjoy. But those talents aren’t much use or fun when we don’t share them with others. The spiritual gifts are actually for the purpose of building up the Church and blessing and attracting others to join the family. Just as the nation of Israel was meant to be a blessing to all the nations, we have Jesus with us all the time to continue reaching out and add some life to each person we come in contact with.


Micah 6:2


My Lighthouse teammates and I love personality tests and tools that help us understand ourselves and each other better! Today I took a spiritual gifts test with some of the other youth leaders from our church. Wisdom, knowledge, missions, teaching, and hospitality were my top five results. I feel encouraged and even more challenged to get some more practice and use these gifts to encourage others.


What made me think of the “blessed to be a blessing” theme after taking this test is the attraction that we have to some of these “gifts” more than others. For example, I think it’s really fun learn new truths and try to explain them to others… and I obviously enjoy experiencing and assimilating to new cultures! So, I know why I got the results I did from this test… these are the things that give me life! God made us unique and I feel very blessed to be me; so, I can joyfully share what I’ve been given!


Here’s an online option for taking a Spiritual Gifts test. How has God blessed you? How do you use the things you enjoy to bless others?

School start: Engaging with God’s World

imageCraazy weeks going on! I just joined the exciting, new school, called Engaging with God’s World at YWAM Grimerud!

It’s so cool to think about what Jesus said: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind. Not just your heart or just your mind, but with all your gifts and parts of your personality. That’s what I’m starting to look in to: how can I love God with my mind and logic, with my interest in business and everything I am? If you want to follow my process in this, my journal blog is online.

You must learn to know me by another name

Narnia Forest (Rostrevor)
After some days in Narnia country, I can almost hear Aslan’s quiet and powerful voice reminding me, “Things never happen the same way twice.” 
Last week I joined an international gathering for Mission Adventures (a YWAM ministry that sends teens out on mission trips). The conference was in Rostrevor, Northern Ireland. C.S. Lewis spent some of his childhood in this area, and the land of Narnia was inspired by the impressive landscape. I think my imagination was sparked too, which usually happens when I get the chance to explore nature in new places!
Kay Charlotte McClurg, in her teaching session in Rostrevor, pointed out our habit of looking for God in the same places we’ve seen him before. Like the women who intended to anoint Jesus’ body in the tomb didn’t find him there because they looked too low. Our expectations for what God is doing usually are too low. God is creative. He is always making things new. He is the Creator, after all. (And I mean what He is doing in general in our lives. Obviously, God is still to be found in His Word, which remains relevant, alive, and true.)
The good life is not a formula. Back to Aslan for a minute… In my favorite book, The Horse and His Boy, Aslan tells Shasta, “Child, I am telling you your story, not hers. No one is told any story but their own.” This ideas is applicable in two ways. First, there’s no point in comparison. We each are living out our own specific roles in our own stories, which, of course, intertwine into one great story of our Redeemer. The story wouldn’t be very good if all the personalities had the same kind of character development. And second, we can learn principles from other people’s stories, but not formulas. We can’t expect to always get the same results by simply copying others’ actions.
I’ll just end here with another favorite Aslan quote. “I am [in your world].’ said Aslan. ‘But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.” 
Be on the look out for the new things God is doing in and through you!
Photo on 11-4-12 at 12.13 PM

L Tramm © 2012 The Lion

Our honorable guest: Helene

imageHere’s a shout out to the lovely Helene!

Last month we had this girl over on visits quite often, as she just came back from Australia. She’s my cousin, a YWAMer and an amazing person.

So I just want to really say how lucky I feel to know this girl. She’s honest and open with her life in a very brave way. I would say vulnerability and daring to trust are some of the most scary things we as human beings are challenged to do during our life, and Helene is such an inspiration to me in that sense.

Thank you for letting people in to your life, and thank you for having so much room for us all in your heart. You are a huge blessing to YWAM Grimerud through your presence and also the work you’re doing with building up the filming department (aka pioneering it, basically). It’s such a privilege to be your friend, co-worker and sister-in-Christ!

P.S. Stay tuned for updates on how I’ll do with starting the “Engaging with God’s World” school which is held at YWAM Grimerud the next three months! The school is about worldview and dealing with the issues of today with a Biblical perspective. It starts today – so stoked!

– Sara

Life with Jesus

John 10:10

These days I (Lilla) am challenging myself with some new design opportunities! This week I drew this tree design that might be used by some of my camp friends this summer. I love this quote; Jesus’ desire is not to confine or limit us but it is to bring us into our fullest potential. To be what we were made to be. And to love those we were meant to love (everyone). And that is life with Jesus. ❤

Fighting against all odds

Running is heard in the castle. The messenger breaks in to the king’s office and shouts : “Nubia is attacking!” King Asa of Judah rises from his chair. “What?” The peace held for a decade is gone.

A story based on 2. Chronicles 14,9 – 15,15 in the Bible:

“The troops are ready”, the commander reported to king Asa. In the distance were sounds of thousands upon thousands marching ever closer. The watchmen grit their teeth as they watched an army twice the size of their own, move through the hills. Their frowns were still smaller than the one found on the forehead of the king. He nodded to the commander and then turned abruptly. “Where are you going?” the commander yelled after him. “I am going to seek the Lord”.

King Asa went in to the tent. He walked around restlessly, trying to calm his thoughts. Then he let out a sigh and just stopped. He knelt down in the quiet of his tent and let the frown fall. He remembered what he had heard the Lord did for king Abia, his father. While Judah’s army was much smaller than now, they had won against a great enemy, because of their trust in the Lord. Asa turned his eyes upwards and said:

“Lord, to you it does not matter if one is weak or strong, when you want to help them. Help us, Lord our God! For we rest on you, and have come in your name to meet this great army.” He bent over and whispered: “Lord, you are our God. Show how no human can win against your will.”

As the armies clashed and the chaos of war began, it was impossible to see if the soldiers of Judah were able to survive the continuos attacks from the mighty army from the South. But they fought hard and after some time, shouts were coming up from the men of Judah: “We are winning!”, “Look, they are retreating!”, “Go after them!”

The Lord crushed the enemy’s army that day, and gave Judah a great victory. A man came to the king with a word that the Spirit of God was speaking: “The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you. Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”

The king and the people decided to seek the Lord with all their heart and soul.

As I read this story in 2. Chronicles 14;9 – 15;15, I was really struck with what Asa said: it really doesn’t matter if we are weak or strong. God is still just as able to win over any threat or circumstance. He wants to build us up to bring glory to his name, but he really is not limited by how strong or wise we have become. The crucial thing is that we keep asking for his help: no matter how strong we might grow. Read the whole story about Asa, and you will see why…Prayer bible verse

I wrote this story based on the Norwegian Bible translation, and I realize that different translations interpret the words differently. Please bear with my imagined, probably historically flawed version of the story, and read the original Bible text to see what of this is actually from the Bible. Enjoy your Easter and remember the greatest victory that Jesus won on the cross over the mightiest enemy of all: the evil powers that holds a deathly grip on this world. God became weak, so that we could be strong in the power of the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

7 thoughts on worship

After joining two worship seminars and several other meetings this last month, a renewed call to intercession and worship resounds in my spirit. I see God is doing something here in Norway and in our world. He is calling us to connect with his heart and prioritize time in his presence. As I process the things I’ve been learning, I want to take the chance to share some thoughts that have stood out to me…
  1. What is worship? Is it a style of music? No, I believe worship is a posture of the heart—when our identity is based on the truth that we are children of God, we respond to him by “allowing” Him to take his place on the throne. (Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel. Psalm 22:3)
  2. We can connect with God’s heart when we engage in intentional times of worship and prayer (for example, singing and using our voices to praise God). We get a new perspective on the world around us with God at the center of everything. The first evening of the Lovsang15 conference in Oslo this weekend, I was overwhelmed by the crowd of people around me because God gave me a glimpse of how He sees us… really beautiful masterpieces created by Him for the purpose of being in love with Him… living in relationship with the King.
  3. This is a winning battle. Sometimes I feel more aware of the struggle… the good and evil pulling at us… that can either be scary or frustrating. But a few weeks ago someone prayed for me and reminded me that I am in a battle that is already won. I carry the authority of the victorious King. When I speak, things happen. There is no reason to fear, only to obey, knowing that the result will be glorious.
  4. Comparison is completely worthless. We probably know this in our head, and, of course, it’s hard to get it down in our hearts… but, I AM UNIQUE. There’s no point in wishing I could do that thing that that one person does so well. That’s not what God called me to. I’m called to do the thing I do. Now I want to do my best, and learn and improve, but let me be competitive against myself, not everyone else.
(So, a couple practical tips… I’m just starting to try these… so ask me in a few months if I’m still on track!)
  1. Prioritize prayer and worship in your schedule. There’s something special about both corporate meetings and taking time personally with God. I’m learning that this is a worthy investment. I have a love/hate relationship with calendars and schedules, but if there’s something I want to plan in and allow place for it’s prayer and worship. So, I’m setting alarms, sticking post-it notes on the wall, writing in on my wrist, to train my mind and spirit. (Read the Practice of the Presence of God by brother Lawrence.)
  2. If you have opportunities to be leading others in worship, prepare to be spontaneous! Yeah, that’s irony… Start to learn a hand full of songs that resonate with you (not just catchy songs, but with lyrics full of truth and lifting up Jesus’ name). Learn the songs by heart, so that when the time arises, you can lead the songs that you feel are appropriate in that moment.
  3. Expect things to happen. With God nothing is impossible. Do I actually believe this? I’ve heard stories recently about people being healed spontaneously in times of worship or even while listening to a CD! When we connect with God’s heart in prayer and worship, we are not the only ones that will be changed. God wants to use us to make an impact in the atmosphere around us. Let’s have high hopes! Hope for better things to happen, for change, and for God to take his place on the throne of our hearts.

I can’t take credit for these thoughts, but I’m also not sure how to give credit, because it’s sort of a summary or collage of what I’ve taken from several different teachings and conversations. Some of these have been at YWAM Grimerud, Norway in our leadership and fellowship meetings. The other seminars I’ve been a part of were the Young Worshipers Weekend at the Honningdal’s and Lovsang15 in Oslo. I hope you also find encouragement and inspiration to press into the Lord’s presence!

What do you see in the mirror?

There’s so much art and beauty in the people around me. One of the joys of getting to know people better, is discovering those giftings and passions that they have, and don’t always talk so much about. I love to see these  expressions of beauty come to the surface and become a gift to the surroundings.

In my work with communications at YWAM Grimerud, I dream of seeing this happen more. That’s why I feel super happy to be part of putting out my friend and colleague Hannah G Enemark’s poems, together with the art of our dear Lilla Tramm. We made our first post together this month, and the readers can look forward to a new one every month from now on. I especially liked Hannah’s backstory which is both beautiful, and told with such an open heart.

Read Mirror, mirror

girl looking in a mirror

Here’s a sneak peek at Lilla’s picture. Go in and read the full post – and be encouraged in your walk with God and figuring out your identity.

Would you like to see more of the things we work on at Ywam Grimerud’s social media? Like us on Facebook and Instagram for more beauty, updates and God-centered input.